How do I place my living room rug?

Livingroom Rug Placement

The living room is the most common area of the home accented with a rug. Typically, you want to select a larger rug that fills the area well. This could be a 5' x 8', 8' x 10', or 9' x 12' size rug. Make sure you leave some space between the edge of the rug and the wall - around 18-24 inches.

One of the most common ways to place a rug in your living room is to center it within your seating arrangement. As the focal point of the seating area, this creates a nice framework for your furniture. The front two legs of the sofa and chairs should sit on the rug, or all four legs if you have an extra-large rug. This placement builds a nice frame around the living area and creates unity.

If your living room has a more rectangular shape, you can use two different rugs to create separate focal areas. Use the large area rug to center up your seating arrangement. Then use a smaller rug to create a separate focal area. For example, you may create a smaller seating area with two wingback chairs and a small accent table.

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